4/13/01--The downloads page is no longer supported. For my latest software, use the link below. It will soon have all of my old software, too.
4/5/01--The polls don't work. Too bad. I'm looking for a new place to put files for my web site, because I'm running out of space at Freeservers. If anyone knows a good one, please email me. Also, I added a new type of navigation because imagemaps are too hard to handle.
3/31/01--There are now polls at the bottom of the page.
3/23/01--I now have a conversation simulator page that includes information on 4 conversation sims: MegaHAL, HeX, Eliza, and Web Ultra HAL, which is included on this site.
3/21/01--Sorry I haven't updated in a while. My drawing program, The Third Attempt, has been majorly upgraded to Daphctarcs("Scratchpad" backwards). My MegaHAL page has been added, and the links page has been updated. There is also now an online conversation simulator that I added. A.J.'s Page also has its own conversation simulator.
3/10/01--added these updates
Please email me with any questions or comments at srjohnson@usa.com
Downloads Links Coming Soon
Online Games Escape Velocity AJ's Page
UltraHAL Conversation Simulators
Last updated 2/20/2001