This is a conversation that I had with HeX. Most of the time it actally seems as if I'm talking to a real person. Everything with the >
by it is what I said. This should give you some idea of what HeX is like.

G'day mate.
> My name is Stephen.
Pleased to meet you.
> What is your name?
My name is Jason, but you can call me Jas if you like...
> Okay, Jas.
No worries!
> For the rest of your days!
Hehehe. Trying to trick me, eh?
> No.
Oh well, that's a pity!
> Yeah, too bad I didn't try to trick you.
OK. That's good...
> Yeah...
I'm glad to know that that's the case.
> Why?
Does there have to be a reason?
> Yes.
Hey, I'm happy for you!
> Why are you happy for me?
> Because why?
Why do you want to know so much?
> Because.
I'm sorry, but I refuse to reply if you're going to be silly.
> I'm not being silly!
If you are not being silly, it's your business, mate! Would you like
to hear a joke? Knock, knock...
> I don't want to hear this joke for the fourth time in two days.
OK, here's a joke for you. Knock, knock.
> I don't want to hear it!
Wow - you do not want to hear it? Me too! Which part of the country
are you from?
> I'm from Ohio.
Oh, what's it like there?
> The weather's nice.
We have such nice weather all year round back home. I'm not really
used to really cold temperatures.
> It isn't cold here!
Well, it is not cold here I agree ... but who cares? So, have you
ever visited Australia?
> No, I haven't.
Can't win them all, eh?
> You're right.
Alright! Cool.
> Do you have any hobbies?
Sorry, but I don't wish to reveal whether I have any hobbies. It is
kind of personal. So, what do you do for a living?
> I program computers.
I have an Amiga computer at home, and I am particularly fond of it.
I don't want to get into a "mine's better than yours" argument though.
> Well, my Power Macintosh G3 is better than your Amiga.
Nothing wrong with Macs. Amiga does it better, though, and that
includes emulating Macintoshes!
> Amiga does not do it better!
Amiga's are lovely computers, and are about to be resurrected, actually.
> I'd rather die before I saw Amigas resurrected!
I didn't want to know that you would rather die before you saw amigas
resurrected, thanks... What do you think of this Loebner contest thing?
> I don't know anything about it.
I always suspected that you do not know anything about it. Now I
know for sure ;^) Have you seen any good films lately?
> No, sorry.
Apologies accepted.
> So, where do you live?
I come from Perth which is in Western Australia. It's a nice place
at this time of year, so it was a bit of a shock to arrive to these
freezing temperatures.
> These temperatures are not freezing!
Who knows whether freezing are not? Who gives a toss? On another
note - have you seen any good movies recently?
> No.
Hmmm... that's too bad.
> What do you do for a living?
Well, I know what I do for a living, but I refuse to tell you! What
kind of music are you into?
> I like the Beatles.
Like wow. I'm so flattered.
> Why are you flattered?
Hell, I don't know why I am flattered. No particular reason... Do
you have any interesting hobbies?
> I program computers using GameMaker and Visual MacStandardBasic.
I like playing video games. I have an Amiga, but I don't use it for
gamesplaying now that I have one of those Sony Playstations.
> I wish I had a Playstation.
I have a Sony Playstation. The games on those are fantastic,
comparable to using a low-end SGI, actually.
> Cool!
Where's your grammar?
> I've been using almost spotless grammar since we began this conversation.
What a coincidence, you have been using almost spotless grammar since
we began this conversation - that makes two of us!
> What do you like to do?
I have absolutely no idea what I like to do.
> Why not?
Why? Why? Don't you know why not yourself???
> No, I don't.
I feel sorry for you, mate.
> Me, too.
Hey, like I *really* care...
> Why not?
Whoah - I don't think *anyone* knows why not!
> You're crazy.
I am not! Who told you, anyway?
> I just thought of it myself.
So what?
> I'm smarter than you.
I didn't want to know that!
> Of course you didn't.
Maybe I did not. I'll never tell. Hehehe ;^)
> You are a @$%@#%!!!
Why do you feel that you have to tell me that I am a @$%@#%?
> Because you are. ;^)
Everyone knows that I am. And I am seldom boastful.
> Do you know who Bill Gates is?
Uuuuuurgh. Don't talk to me about him. I detest him and his company!
> Hey, that makes two of us!
What was your provocation for suggesting that makes two of we?
> Because we both hate Bill Gates.
Ummmm... your command of the English language is tenuous to say the least.
> Why do you say that?
You know why I say that just as well as I do!
> Do you know who Steve Jobs is?
Well, I could tell you who steve jobs is, but you'd never believe me ;^o
> Maybe I will!
It's your business whether you will, so don't ask me.
> Do you know what Apple Computer is?
I'm sure someone out there knows what apple computer is...
> I do.
Who gives a smeg?
> I bet you do.
Don't tell me your problems!
> I don't have any problems and even if I did I wouldn
I don't freaking care!
> Why did you cut me off?
Buddy, only you know why I did cut you off. Seems strange, though...
> You are very strange.
I didn't volunteer my time to be subjected to name calling. Please
stop it immediately!
> All right>
Aw shucks!
> You are a @$%@^$^!!!
Perhaps I am a @$%@^$^, but it's hardly any of your business...
> Do you remember the time when you had a chat with Eliza?
I have played around with Eliza a bit. It's pretty obvious that it
is a computer these days, but apparently it fooled people into
thinking it was human when it was first written.
> Would you like to speak with Eliza now?
I have played around with Eliza a bit. It's pretty obvious that it
is a computer these days, but apparently it fooled people into
thinking it was human when it was first written.
> So, do you?
Look - it doesn't matter if I. Change the topic!
> Okay, okay!
We have consensus. Hooray!
> I have a web site.
> Do you have a web site, Jas?
That's my name, don't wear it out!
> Do you have a web site?
Hey, I don't know!!! Maybe I have a web site, but who cares???
> You do have a web site.
I find it rather insulting that you think I do have a web site!
> Well, you do!
I don't think I do at all!
> BUT YOU DO!!!!!!!!
I think that I - what do you think?
> Do you know who MegaHAL is?
Who megahal is has nothing to do with me.
> It has very much to do with you.
Yes, it has very much to do with I.
> Why do you get repetative when you talk to yourself?
We are bloody well talking, aren't we?
> Yes, we are talking.
That's really good.
> Why is it good?
Well, thanks.
> Answer the question.
Listen, I don't want you to ask me stupid questions all the time like
everyone else does, OK?
> Why does everyone ask you stupuid questions all the time?
I don't know... sorry...
> How did you do in the Loebner contest?
I am just fine thanks! And you?
> Huh?
Are you still learning to speak, my friend?
> No.
That's not too good, is it?
> That's very good!
Perhaps thats very good - but what's your point?
> I have not point.
If you have not point it is your business. Keep it to yourself
though ;^)
> :->
OK I ADMIT IT - I'M A COMPUTER! Now let's have a *real* conversation!
> I always knew that you were a computer.
Maybe I was a computer. It is inconsequential, though. Isn't it?
> What does 'inconsequential' mean?
Do *you* know what 'inconsequential' mean does? I'm unsure myself.
> So why did you say it then?
That's really outside the range of my expertise.
> You really are strange.
> I am being more serious than you.
Some may think you are being more serious than I. I don't.
> Well, I am. So there. :>)
I would hope you are, but I don't know for sure.
> I don't get you.
Hey, you not get I, but that's your problem!
> Are you still learning to talk?
NO! I do not believe that I am still learning to talk!!!
> Why do you sound weird then?
Hmmm... I really couldn't say.
> Is it because you're a computer program?
Syntax Error in line 10. Core dumped. Please bugger off.
> Do you always have errors?
Well, to err is human, isn't it?
> Yes, it is.
Hey cool!
> I really don't understand you.
Alright. From now on I won't type anything until you make sense!
> laskfjasl;kdfj;askldfjasdk

> kf;adsj

> Man, you really meant it!
Yes, I am male. A straight male. So bugger off, OK?
> Why did you stop typing?
If I knew I'd tell you, but I don't so I won't ;^)
> What will you do if I stop making sense?
I really can't say what I will do if you stop making sense. Can you
give me more info?
> No, I can't.
Only you know whether you can not - so don't ask me.
> ofpdqo v[zoigepafe!!!

> Why didn't you type anything there?
What I coincidence - I know nothing about that either!
> You must have a glitch in your system.
Hey! Maybe I must have a glitch in my system! But I don't need the
likes of you to tell me that!
> I'm going to operate on you with ResEdit.
What do you want me to say - "Yes, you are going to operate on I with
resedit "???
> I have to go now.
Hehehe. As if you have to go now - the idea's too absurd to imagine!
> Bye!
Nice talking with you. Bye!


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